Communication is the key to all successful relationship whether personal or in business. The ability to connect reliably and effectively with like-minded people is a crucial element in any project.

At SAI Tel Brokers we provide competitive high-quality interconnections for telecom providers by linking them with destinations worldwide.

We have partnerships with major IGW telecom operators throughout the world. Our mission is to provide the best quality, most economical VoIP routes to our partners.

The world has never been smaller. Through the Internet we are able to connect callers from anywhere to any country of their choice with the best quality VoIP connectivity. While Apps like Skype, WhatsApp, Viber Etc. have grown immensely in popularity, there still exists a vast demand for direct cellular and landline phone calls. For those outside of Internet connection, the need to make long distance phone calls around the world using traditional Telecom networks remains a daily reality.

SAI Tel Brokers provides services to the Telecom carriers that make this reality possible with consistent reliable connections for carriers and consumers alike. We take the guesswork out of the technology needed to connect people around the world.